Atomic lifestyle by Inna Raduto
about balancyoga club

Welcome to BALANCYOGA – a club for those who appreciate that true wealth lies in inner peace, health, and happiness. We believe that real luxury is about making conscious choices for the well-being of both body and mind. It’s about prioritising your health by letting go of anything that no longer serves you: unproductive routines, negative thoughts, and unhealthy habits.

At BALANCYOGA, we create an environment where longevity habits naturally become part of your daily routine. Each session is designed to unlock your potential and cultivate a life brimming with energy and mindfulness. You’ll experience a transformation in both body and mind, achieving a harmonious balance.

BALANCYOGA is more than just yoga; it’s a mindful approach to living, grounded in the latest research in neuroscience, biohacking, and preventive medicine. Modern science shows that you can “reprogram” your brain and body by forming new neural connections that enhance health, happiness, and confidence. Studies confirm that regular yoga and meditation not only strengthen your physical state but also boost neuroplasticity, helping you maintain mental clarity and improve cognitive functions. You’ll find your mindfulness and emotional well-being improving day by day.

We take inspiration from biohacking, focusing on improving the quality of life and extending youth through science and conscious body management. At BALANCYOGA, you’ll receive personalised recommendations to optimise your lifestyle using the latest advancements in health and wellness. You’ll notice your habits working for you, laying a solid foundation for longevity.

Preventive medicine is the future of healthcare, and we’re already integrating its principles into our programmes. Rather than treating illnesses, we help you prevent them by creating conditions where your body and mind operate at their peak. You’ll feel your well-being improve and your vitality increase.

As James Clear wrote in Atomic Habits, "Success is not the result of a single decision but of the habits you form." At BALANCYOGA, we help you develop the habits that lead to lasting results. You’ll strengthen not only your body but also your mental resilience, enabling you to reach new heights with ease. You’ll observe your well-being and productivity growing as you build effective new habits.

Drawing on research from the Blue Zones – where people live longer, happier lives – we’ve crafted unique programmes that help you incorporate longevity-promoting habits and practices into your life. In our club, you’ll have access to methods proven to enhance health and well-being. You’ll notice your health improving and your quality of life elevating. As Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones, points out, "Longevity begins with the right mindset." At BALANCYOGA, we teach you not just to live, but to live mindfully and well. Our philosophy blends the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern approaches in neuroscience and biohacking, allowing you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. You’ll feel each day filled with new meaning and vitality.

For those who seek morning productivity and inspiration, we embrace the principles outlined in The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod: "How you spend your morning determines how you spend your day, and how you spend your day determines how you spend your life." At BALANCYOGA, we help you establish effective morning rituals that energise and uplift you for the entire day. You’ll feel each morning becoming the start of a successful and fulfilling day.

By joining BALANCYOGA, you’re choosing longevity, mindfulness, and inner wealth. It’s an investment that pays dividends not just in physical health but also in mental clarity, inner peace, and joy in life. At BALANCYOGA, you’ll transform into a macrohuman – a person who not only finds balance and harmony but also reaches the highest levels of awareness and life potential. Here, you’ll discover your true self, and each day will become a new step on your journey to ultimate self-realisation, unlocking new levels of desires and possibilities.

Find your best membership option with additional benefits
Premium / 1 month
  • 8 private zoom-sessions
80 min duration
  • yoga, pranayama, meditation
  • convenient morning or evening time
  • 1 group mastermind every month
  • participation in a small support group chat
£375 / person
Green Lvl / 3 months
  • 24 + 2 bonus = 26 private zoom-sessions
  • 80 min duration
  • yoga, pranayama, meditation
  • personal mentoring for 3 months
  • convenient morning or evening time
  • 1 group mastermind every month
  • participation in a small support group chat
£1,125 / person
Crown Chakra Lvl / 6 months
  • 48 + 4 = 52 private zoom-sessions
  • 100 min duration
  • yoga, pranayama, meditation
  • personal mentoring for 6 months
  • convenient morning or evening time
  • 1 group mastermind every month
  • participation in a small support group chat
£2,250 / person
Life changing experience in the best places of this world
Retreat in September on Samui
16-28 September 2024
Retreat Yoga Therapy for 60+ on Samui
1-14 September 2024
  • Marina

    I eagerly anticipate Inna's class because it leaves my body and mind feeling incredible after each yoga session. Her sequences are consistently gratifying, and it's as if she intuitively understands my needs. Her voice resonates with power and gentle care simultaneously. As I listen, I find myself relaxing, surrendering to her guidance.

    The most gratifying aspect is that after just one month of practicing yoga with Inna, I observed a noticeable weight loss without feeling stressed. Also now I can enjoy peaceful nights without the panic attacks that used to trouble me. I sense that my life is finally under full control.

  • Jackie
    English teacher

    I’m bursting with newfound energy, a sensation I haven’t experienced in ages! Mornings are now a breeze — I wake up with ease, and my body feels primed for movement. No more stiffness, no more pain. And the most remarkable transformation: my shoulder pain has vanished completely! It’s like a miracle — I can rotate it freely after years of struggling. I'm really happy with that!

    Regarding the back pain I've been complaining about for a year, I'm no longer experiencing any issues with it. In fact, my overall health situation has dramatically improved! I'm truly amazed. But there's another delightful change — I've noticed it in my clothes. That top I bought last summer, which I loved but was too small? Well, now it's too big! And it's not just me who's noticing — other people have commented on it too, and hearing those observations from others feels really nice.


  • Kenul

    Yoga is like a soft power on a body — great for those who have long established patterns of ‘bossy’ conditioned mind opposing to almost any new routines. And with yoga one can go as slowly and gently tricking the mind not to rebel. So here is the magic — with just little commitment, body, seemingly the same, slowly starts to open up showing the improved agility and resilience, stamina, softness and these are just a tip of an iceberg , because the real transformation happens from within.

    In this meaningful journey, here is Inna with her incredibly soft and convincing voice, enormous patience and desire to implement new habits with her students.

    She is eager to bring neuroscience and yoga to a common denominator for curious logical/scientific’ minds.

    I cannot but mention the most enjoyable part of training with Inna - savasana. Never was I able to quiet my mind so easily and effectively as with Inna. Because she leads Savasana so skilfully, the post-training muscle tensions and aches one gets from intensive training is never the case with Inna, thanks to her ability to completely relax your muscles and make them ‘forget’ difficulties of the training, hence coaxing your mind into a new ally! Soft power in action!


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Breathtaking moments from our community gathering
Add a new dimension to your active lifestyle by exploring the breathtaking beauty of Great Britain. Discover Inna's favourite spots, all compiled in a set of guides just for you.
(The guides are temporarily available only in Russian)
127+23 = 150
Let's introduce a tradition of giving people something that makes them healthier and happier
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copyright © Inna Raduto 2024